Really happy with how this project turned out!
Built-in cabinet storage and desk space in the living room of a one bedroom condo.
Spray-laquered cabinets and desk desk made up of tineo-veneered plywood.
Really happy with how this project turned out!
Built-in cabinet storage and desk space in the living room of a one bedroom condo.
Spray-laquered cabinets and desk desk made up of tineo-veneered plywood.
A beveled-edge, round coffee table in solid white oak.
A white oak TV cabinet I did for a client who wanted her remote control to work even if the cabinet doors were closed. Really happy with the way this piece turned out.
Oak-veneered plywood box and shelves with solid trim. Solid oak slatted door.
Just finished this large dining table project. Goal was seating for 10. Solid walnut legs and rails with inset veneered plywood top.
Before and after shots of the ranch house project. I loved seeing the space transformed, but I didn't love meeting my first, second and third real life rattlesnakes.
We made it to New Mexico and it is spectacular! Crazy long drive from LA but now I'm just taking in the scenery and enjoying a well earned break. I'll set to work tomorrow installing all the pieces. Can't wait to see everything together!
Getting ready a 12 hour drive to a New Mexico ranch to install all the custom pieces I've been making for the past 8 weeks. Can I fit a platform bed frame with underside drawers, a dining table, a desk, a file system, a shelving system and all the tools I'll need to install them into this small cargo van? We'll find out shortly!
Ranch house dining nook coming along nicely here at the shop. Drawers done and now onto making some base trim.....oh, and a table I suppose.
We're on holiday in London this week. Caught this great exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Definitely visit if you're in the area. As you can see, I was very excited.
A very "Mad Men" credenza in progress. I love the continuous grain across the front. It's going to be really striking once the finish goes on.